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“We have made TL38 billion worth of public investment in Van over the past 20 years”







“We have made TL38 billion worth of public investment in Van over the past 20 years”




Yazdır Yazıları Büyült Yazıları Küçült

“We have made TL38 billion worth of public investment in Van over the past 20 years”

Making a speech at the opening ceremony of the newly built facilities in Van, President Erdoğan said: “We have nothing to do with empty rhetoric, abuse, lies or slanders. We speak through real numbers and tangible actions. We have made TL38 billion worth of public investment in Van over the past 20 years.”






President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the opening ceremony of newly-built facilities in Van.

Making a speech at the event, President Erdoğan expressed his happiness to be visiting Van after a 1.5-year hiatus. “I extend my gratitude to all our brothers and sisters that take us to their bosoms with affection, enthusiasm and appreciation whenever we visit Van, which is a rising star of our country’s east, the locomotive of its region, and a city of history and civilization. We know Van and Van knows us. We have always stood by Van in its every struggle from healing the wounds caused by the earthquake to eliminating the scourge of terror.”

Drawing attention to the projects and services introduced in Van, President Erdoğan said: “We have nothing to do with empty rhetoric, exploitation, lies or slanders. We speak through real numbers and tangible actions. We have made TL38 billion worth of public investment in Van over the past 20 years.”


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