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Tashkent hosted Uzbekistan-Poland political consultations




/ .2023


Tashkent hosted Uzbekistan-Poland political consultations




Tashkent hosted political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Poland.




During the event, the sides exchanged views on priority areas of Uzbekistan-Poland cooperation and aspects of the international agenda.




The parties discussed further development of political dialogue, in particular by expanding cooperation between foreign policy agencies and strengthening inter-parliamentary ties.





Special attention was paid to the active promotion of economic diplomacy. In this context, the parties confirmed their readiness to implement joint investment projects involving leading Polish companies, establish direct contacts between business circles, and develop interregional cooperation. Investment potential and promising project proposals in the chemical, and textile industries, as well as in agriculture were also presented.




The diplomats considered proposals for increasing cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, in particular establishing contacts between the scientific and educational institutions of the two countries.




Mutual interest was expressed in deepening interaction within international organizations.




The sides also discussed issues of developing cooperation in the field of tourism, improving the legal framework of bilateral relations, and expanding ties in the field of labor migration.
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