Categories: BugünGÜNDEM

Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Tanju Bilgiç, in Response to a Question Regarding Merter Keskin, Who Died Under Detention in Franc





QA-15, 11 June 2022, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Tanju Bilgiç, in Response to a Question Regarding Merter Keskin, Who Died Under Detention in France

Our citizen, Merter Keskin, passed away on January 12, 2021, while he was in custody at the Selestat city police station in France. The issue was reflected to the French judicial authorities and the investigation process still continues.

Our representations in France established close contact with the family of the deceased as soon as they were informed about the incident. They continue to provide legal and moral support to the family.

It is obvious that the latest images of the detention process in the French press do not comply with the rule of law. Within this context, we expect the causes of death of our deceased citizen to be clarified as soon as possible.

We will continue to follow the developments.





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