Categories: BugünGÜNDEM

Press Release Regarding the 3 October, “Turkic States Cooperation Day”




No: 241, 3 October 2023, Press Release Regarding the 3 October, “Turkic States Cooperation Day”




On the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the signing of the Nakhchivan Agreement, which laid the foundations of the Organization of Turkic States, we wholeheartedly congratulate the Turkic States Cooperation Day.



Launched in 1992 as the “Summits of the Heads of State of Turkic Speaking States”, the process today has evolved into a full-fledged international organization, thanks to the strong will and joint efforts demonstrated by the member countries.



The Organization of Turkic States aims to rapidly enhance and deepen cooperation among the member states, harmonize national capacities, and contribute to the peace and stability as a responsible and responsive regional actor in the global arena.




Türkiye will continue its ceaseless efforts to further strengthen the Turkic cooperation and make the Turkic World “stronger together”.






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